Let's Help. Together.

As little as it may seem, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Making a difference starts by wanting to help and by encouraging others to assist in this noble cause. Help can be translated in joining our family, fundraising and organizing new projects. The most important attribute of our organization is our motto: “Better Education, More Opportunities, Better Society”.

Amrit Foundation Trust encourages and seeks the goodwill of individuals, companies, organisations and other sources in joining hands with the foundation in achieving the wider goal of our vision and mission of helping the less fortunate of our society.

You can assist in any way that you may desire. Some of the ways we can suggest are the donation of food, clothing, medication, educational materials, finance for volunteer staff or sponsorship for a special-needs child, amongst others.

To lend a helping hand, contact us, and we will be more than happy to provide further details and information.

All our project funding and utilization is documented in detail and regular reports sent to our partners with invites to visit the projects.